Year One is a story of a primitive man who ate the forbidden fruit and is banished by his tribe and thus begins man's crazy adventures of the world outside.
Tapped for comedy, Jack Black succeeds in giving flesh to Zed together with his intelligent sidekick Oh (Michael Sera). The zany distortions of biblical events create a message totally in the mind of its authors; thus, the audience have to be alert about. Will the audience accept this message?
The movie distorts the truths intended in the creation story and the book of the Pentateuch. Though it may seem funny and crazy, it is somehow hints at a message that only man creates his own destiny. If the writers have been more faithful to the message of Scriptures, we would have seen a wholistic and entertaining movie. But with Year One, it just dispels the basic fact that God exists and that man can live a moral life only in reference to Him.
Rating: 2.5/5
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