Superhero Movie is a parody of a popular superhero film "Spiderman", only that in this case, it's "the Dragonfly" and his misadventures.
This film belonging to the "Scary Movie" family is consistent with their conventions of humor - from the ridiculous and hilarious to "toilet" jokes. It could be useful for those who want simply to be entertained, no more, no less. However, it could be a good break for Nickelodeon actor Drake Bell as he appears animated and natural.
Films made in the name of humor and mindless watching do not exempt them from their moral responsibilities. That is why "Superhero Movie" needs parental guidance, for the young viewers to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy humor. It would be better if after watching, the audience would come out not only entertained, but learned something good as well. Superhero Movie doesn't offer anything inspiring in the field of humor.
Rating: 3/5